Impossible Cure Newsletter -- June/July 2021


Keep the Faith!
Homeopathy Works
and Will Always Survive

Wow, things just seem to get grimmer, don't they? Mandated COVID shots for many people, negative news about homeopathy in the New York Times (because a California naturopath was selling products as "COVID vaccines" and issuing false vaccination cards), and on and on.

But despite all this, we must remember: homeopathy has faced extremely difficult times for over 200 years and has always survived. Even when reduced to a small flower, it grows back. Why? Because it works. And those who use it know this and guard it like a treasure at all costs. Moreover, the world actually needs homeopathy now more than ever! It is our duty to keep it alive and keep the faith. Don't forget: your thoughts and beliefs and visions for the future have creative power.

Just to keep you going, here are some recent articles about scientific studies that are helping to keep the flame of homeopathy alive. Thanks to all those who do the research and write about it!

Our intrepid Dana Ullman never gives up and got two articles accepted to highly respected journals!

-Exploring Possible Mechanisms of Hormesis and Homeopathy in the Light of Nanopharmacology and Ultra-High Dilutions

-An Analysis of Four Government-Funded Reviews of Research on Homeopathic Medicine

Also courtesy of Dana's HES newsletter:

Tremendous Popularity for Homeopathy from French Oncologists for Cancer Treatment. A survey published in 2021 in a conventional cancer journal found that 10% of French oncologists prescribe homeopathic medicine for patients with cancer and 54% think that homeopathic medicines are potentially helpful in cancer treatment. Learn more by clicking here.

From the NCH newsletter:

Homeopathy in Sports Medicine... The Olympic teams should use homeopathy! I wonder how many do -- at least surreptitiously? I bet more than you think... Kayne S. Homoeopathy in sports medicine: Br Hom J 1992; 81: 142-147, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 1993, Page 57

How about osteoarthritis in the knee? Kneusel O, Weber M, Suter A. Arnica montana Gel in Osteoarthritis of the Knee: an open, multicenter clinical trial. Advanced Therapies 2002 Sep-Oct, 19-5, 209-18

Or chronic tension headaches? Sharma N, Ameta A, Sharma S. Effect of homeopathy on chronic tension-type headache: a pragmatic, randomised controlled single blind trial J Headache Pain. 2013; 14(Suppl 1): P56.

From the Washington Homeopathic newsletters, which always include great articles:

Homeopathic Treatment of Pododermatitis in Magellanic Penguins
Penguins, particularly those in captivity, often suffer from inflammation of the skin of their footpads. In a recently published study, a group of penguins with this problem were treated with homeopathy. During treatment, the patients remained in the penguins' living area, and the effect of the treatment on the progression of their lesions was assessed visually once weekly. The results? After treatment, the appearance of the lesions noticeably improved. In the majority of penguins there was no longer evidence of infection or swelling in the feet. The rate of recovery depended on the initial severity of the lesion. Those penguins that still showed signs of infection nevertheless exhibited a clear diminution of the size and thickness of the lesions. Homeopathic treatment did not cause any side effects. Source: Narita, F., et al., "Homeopathic Treatment of Pododermatitis in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus)". Homeopathy 2021; 110(01): 062-066

Brand New Study: Impact of Homeopathic Treatment on the Quality of Life of Women with Chronic Diseases: A Randomized Controlled Pragmatic Trial
Despite the increasing demand for complementary and integrative medicine, only a few studies have evaluated the effect of these types of treatments on the quality of life (QoL) of patients with chronic diseases. That has now changed with the release of this randomized controlled pragmatic trial from Brazil. For this study, patients were divided into two independent groups, one group underwent homeopathic treatment in the first 6-month period, and the other did not receive any homeopathic treatment. In both randomized groups, patients maintained their conventional medical treatment when necessary. The results? Homeopathic treatment showed a statistically significant positive impact at 6 months on the quality of life of women with chronic diseases. Source: Champs, N., et al., Impact of Homeopathic Treatment on the Quality of Life of Women with Chronic Diseases: A Randomized Controlled Pragmatic Trial. Homeopathy. March 2021.

Infertility Research
Infertility can be a painful challenge for many couples. Might homeopathy help? A German study of infertility comparing homeopathy with placebo in 96 women resulted in twice as many pregnancies in the homeopathic group, but only one-third of adverse events when compared with the placebo group. The authors noted that in more than 1000 patients followed in post-marketing surveillance, there was a 60% success rate with homeopathic treatment. Source: Gerhard I, Patek A, Monga B, et al. “Mastodynon(R) Bei Weiblicher Sterilitat.” Forschende Komplementarmedizin 1998;5(6): 272-78.

Seasonal allergies are increasing worldwide, though the specific reasons for the increase are not yet known. Given the scale of the problem (23 million in the U.S. alone and counting), researchers worldwide are exploring whether homeopathy can help patients with these issues. In one such recent study, medical researchers in India conducted an interventional study on patients suffering from allergies defined as seasonal allergic rhinitis. Their findings? Researchers saw significant improvements in several measures of symptom severity. "The outcome of this study suggests that individualized homeopathic treatment may be a useful measure for the patients suffering from Allergic Rhinitis." Source: Ghosh S, Saha S. Allied health - 3006. "Homeopathy in treating allergic rhinitis - An interventional pilot study" World Allergy Organ J. 2013; 6(Suppl 1): P182.


Enjoy the Innately Healing Quality of Nature


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Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy --

Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within --

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